In the name of Allah! All praise is due to Allah! May peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah! To proceed:
We give thanks to Allah, the Almighty, for facilitating and rendering readily available the means of Da`wah as well as the technical and software applications to test us and see if we will use them for something good or bad.
One of the best things for which we may use such technology and software is the call to Allah.
Imagine, dear brother, that if Allah guides through you people to convert from darkness to light and misguidance to guidance, how much will you rejoice at that and how great will your reward be with Allah?
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “By Allah, if Allah guides even one person through you, that is better for you than possessing the most valuable of the camels.” (Al-Bukhari)
For the time being, it goes without saying that anti-Islamic campaigns have increased and ignorance about the religious sciences has become widespread among many Muslims in the Western countries.
Therefore, a script carrying the following name: “Islam beyond Borders” has been programed.
This script contains more than 2500 articles and videos all in English as well as 35 radio stations for the translation of the meanings of the Qur’an.
The following is the script data and article breakdown:
- Articles dealing with the existence of Allah, the Almighty, as the Single, Sole Creator and the refutation of Darwinism and articles that address atheists. The articles are classified into several sections and taken from Truth Seeker, a website dedicated to atheists.
- Articles dealing with and introducing Islam, the Qur’an, messengers, prophets and the Islamic approach to family and society as well as the positive aspects of Islam and correcting misconceptions about Islam. Those articles are taken from The Faith, a website dedicated to general non-Muslims.
- Special articles for the new Muslims who recently converted to Islam dealing with the basics of Islam, Muslim manners, acts of worship, the Qur’an, and the Sunnah. Those articles are taken from New Muslims, a website dedicated to new Muslims, containing more than 12 languages. In this script, we use English only.
- Articles and videos about prayer and teaching prayer as well as its Sunnah and obligatory acts along with the ritual ablution and a comprehensive guide to prayer in Islam. Those articles are taken from Prayer In Islam, a website dedicated to Muslims.
- Videos about the Qur’an including visual translation of the meanings of the Qur’an in many languages as well as videos about the Qur’an. Those articles are taken from Learn the Quran, a website dedicated to Muslims.
- Online Qur`an radio stations for the translation of the meanings of the Qur’an into 35 languages.
Script Features:
- Free Da`wah-centric script in English
- User-friendly, readily accessible and compatible with web standards
- Contains more than 2500 articles and videos
- Database-free
- Compact, small-sized
- Sitemap creation once the script is installed
- Pagination functionality
- Slider suitable for and compatible with all browsers
- Smartphone and iPad compatible version
- Radio stations in 35 languages for the translation of the meanings of the Qur’an
- A new style is attached. The user can use which style he likes.
- The Ads are randomly displayed as each page is reloaded or refreshed
- The user can add and manually change the Da`wah network sites linked to his website.
Installation Instructions:
- Download and decompress the script
- Upload the folder to your website and open it by the browser
- You are done … Congratulations!
Script Reset:
Open the following file: includes/function.php. Inside, you will find the following variables:
$site_name = ‘Islam Beyond Borders’;
$zoom_enabled = 1;
$allowpostcount = 1;
$category_limit_menu = 5;
$style_folder = “style/dbb”;//light
$allow_banners = 1;
$allow_addthis = 1;
$type_addthis = 1;
Variable “$site_name” pertains to the script title.
Variable “$zoom_enabled” activates the zoom upon browsing by the mobile phone. For cancelation, enter “zero” instead of “one”.
Variable “$allowpostcount” shows the number the articles beside the section name.
Variable “$category_limit_menu” identifies the number of the sections appearing on the interface.
Variable “$style_folder” changes the style folder path. Currently, there are 2 styles only. To change the style only, change “dbb” by “light”.
Variable “$allow_banners” activates banners at the top of the site. They change wherever the page is refreshed.
Variable “$allow_addthis” activates the social networking websites.
Variable “$type_addthis” chooses the style of the social networking websites’ icons. There are about 7 styles. The number is changed from No. 1 to No. 7.
Script Snapshots:
Script Snapshots (Browsing by mobile):
I beseech Allah to bless and accept our deeds, conclude our lives with happy ends and render our deeds sincere for His sake…Amen!