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Da`wah Package/Qur’an CD

Da`wah Package/Qur’an CD
Da`wah Package/Qur’an CD

The Electronic Da`wah Committee (EDC) is earnestly working on structuring an authentic framework for the Da`wah package production. The package aims at inviting non-Muslims (Christians, atheists, Buddhists, and Hindus) to Islam; simply and eloquently explaining the message of Islam, and refuting misconception about Islam and Muslims that come up now and then.

Besides, the package aims at educating new Muslims about the foundations of Islam needed for this stage of the journey of embracing Islam; after-the-Shahadah stage, in order that their worship of the One God and the practice of His religion is truthful, deeply rooted and based on profound understanding.

The first edition of the package will be issued in English, then in other languages.

The E-Da`wah package will contain information about Islam and Muslims in different formats. Materials will be presented in books in PDF format, videos and audios.

There will be a separate package for each religious denomination.

First: For New Muslims

The E-Da`wah package will focus on the basics of Islam without going into much details. A translation of the Qur’an will be provided. Some audio and video materials will be presented to cover the issues related to the basics of Islam.

The package that will contain books in PDF format will be divided into 5 sections to serve the purpose of the E-package.

This is a chart of the package:

  • DVD 1: Translation of the Qur’an
  • DVD 2 will be divided into:
  1. ABCs of Islam
  2. Acts of Worship
  3. Qur’an and Sunnah
  4. Muslim Lifestyle

Each section will contain:

  1. Related audio materials
  2. Related books
  3. Related video materials

Second: For Non-Muslims

For Non-Muslims DVD, we adopt the following methodology and classification:

For Christians:

This part of the E-Da`wah package is based on the three main issues that the Christians have problems with (God, Jesus, and the Bible).

One of the DVDs focuses on how Muslims view prophet Jesus and introduces the true message he came with

Then a general introduction to Islam is provided where the beauties and benefits of Islam are presented.

This is a chart of the package:

  • DVD 1: Translation of the Qur’an
  • DVD 2 will be divided into:
  1. The Concept of God
  2. The Muslim Jesus
  3. The Qur’an and the Bible
  4. What Is Islam?

Each section will contain:

  1. Related audio materials
  2. Related books
  3. Related video materials

For Atheists:

Again this part of the package focuses on presenting Islam to atheists. Again, the DVD that will contain books will tackle three major issues related to atheism, i.e. God’s existence, how the Qur’an views science and the Islamic stand on the theory of creation.

In a separate folder, an introduction to Islam will be provided.

This is a chart of the package:

  • DVD 1: Translation of the Qur’an
  • DVD 2 will be divided into:
  1. Does God Exist?
  2. Refuting Darwinism
  3. Qur’an and Science
  4. What Is Islam?

Each section will contain:

  1. Related audio materials
  2. Related books
  3. Related video materials

For Buddhists:

The package will present Islam to Buddhists based on four main angles:

  1. A general introduction about Islam will be provided and at the same time it will reflect how Islam views Buddhism and its teachings.
  2. The Qur’an and its message for humanity will be presented in anther DVD.
  3. A special attention will be paid to character of Prophet Muhammad and how he was sent as a mercy to the worlds.
  4. The different beliefs of Muslims will be introduced in a separate DVD for this is what distinguishes Muslims from others.

This is a chart of the package:

  • DVD 1: Translation of the Qur’an
  • DVD 2 will be divided into:
  1. What is Islam?
  2. Who Is Muhammad?
  3. What Is the Qur’an?
  4. What Do Muslims Believe?

Each section will contain:

  1. Related audio materials
  2. Related books
  3. Related video materials

For Hindus:

This package will focus on Hindus according to the same methodology adopted in the DVD for Buddhists.

This is a chart of the package:

  • DVD 1: Translation of the Qur’an
  • DVD 2 will be divided into:
  1. What Is Islam?
  2. What Do Muslims Believe?
  3. Who Is Muhammad?
  4. What Is the Qur’an?

Each section will contain:

  1. Related audio materials
  2. Related books
  3. Related video materials