Has Islam guaranteed women equality with men?

A Muslim woman seeks justice rather than equality, since equality with man causes her to lose many of her rights and a great deal of her distinctions. Let us assume that someone has two sons at the age of five and eighteen. He wants to buy each of them a shirt. Equality, in this case, means buying them shirts of the same size, which means that one of them will have to suffer. On the other hand, justice here means buying each of them a shirt with the size that fits him, the thing that will make everybody happy.

Nowadays women try to prove that they can do whatever men do. In reality; however, this causes them to lose their uniqueness and distinction, as Allah has created the woman to do what man cannot do. It has been proven that labor pains are among the most severe pains that could be experienced by a human being. Religion came to bestow on women the honor they deserve in return for such exhaustion, and to grant them the right of not being responsible for financial maintenance or work and of being fully entitled to their own property without having to share it with their husbands like what happens in the West. Although Allah has not given man the ability to endure labor pains, yet He has given him the ability to climb mountains for instance.

If a woman, wishes to climb a mountain and work hard and claims she can do this exactly like man, she may do so; however, at the end she will be the one who gives birth to children as well, and she will be the one responsible for caring and breastfeeding them as man cannot do this in all cases. So, she will be forced to double her efforts although she had the chance to avoid this from the beginning.

What is unknown to many is that if a Muslim woman claims her rights through the United Nations, giving up her rights in Islam, the loss will be all hers because she enjoys much more rights in Islam. Islam achieves integration that man and woman have been created for and this fulfills happiness for all.