Does the woman's head-cover indicate backwardness and retardation?

As a matter of fact, uncovering the head is complete and utter backwardness. Is there any further backwardness beyond the time of Adam; Allah ensured for Adam and his wife concealment and clothing since the time they were created and made to live in Paradise.

{Here you will neither go hungry nor naked.} [206] Surat Taha: 118.

Allah has also provided Adam's offspring with garments to cover their private parts and as an adornment. Since then, humanity has been developing in its clothing with concealment and covering, which has become the criterion of measuring people's progress. It is well-known that people who live away from civilization, like some African nations, barely wear anything besides what covers their private parts.

{O children of Adam, We have given you garments that cover your private parts and as an adornment. However, the garment of piety – that is best. That is one of the signs of Allah, so that they may take heed.} [207] Surat al-A‘rāf: 26.

Let the Western man have a look at his grandmother's photos on her way to school and see what she used to wear. When swimsuits appeared for the first time, demonstrations took place in Europe and Australia against it because it opposed man's sound nature and customs and not for religious reasons. The manufacturing companies then were dedicated to producing intensive commercials using five-year-old girls wearing swimsuits to encourage women to wear it. The first girl appeared to be extremely shy while walking in a swimsuit and she failed to complete the show. At that time, both men and women used to swim in full black-and-white swimsuits that cover the whole body.