What is the evidence that Allah communicates with His creation through revelation?

Some of the proofs indicating Allah's communication with His creation through revelation are:

1. Wisdom: If someone, for instance, built a house and left it uninhabited and allowed none to inhabit it, even his children, we would normally judge him unwise or abnormal. Bearing in mind that Allah has the highest attributes, there is surely a wisdom behind the creation of the universe and the subjugation of everything in the heavens and earth to man.

2. Fitrah (sound natural disposition): Inside the human soul, there is a strong natural inclination to know one's origin, the source of one's existence, and the purpose behind such existence. Man's Fitrah always drives him to search for the cause of his existence. However, man alone cannot realize his Creator's attributes, the purpose behind his existence, and his destiny. Therefore, the interference of such unseen powers, represented in sending messengers, is necessary for revealing this truth.

Many nations managed to find their way through the heavenly messages, whereas others are still lost in their misguidance trying to find the truth, thinking of nothing beyond terrestrial material symbols.

3. Morals: Our thirst for water is a proof of its existence even before knowing about it. Similarly, our yearning for justice is a proof of the existence of the Just Being.

One who witnesses the deficiencies in this worldly life and the oppression of some people over others, reaches the conviction that life cannot just end with the oppressor's salvation and the loss of the oppressed ones' rights. Rather, the idea of the existence of resurrection, the Hereafter, and divine retaliation brings about feelings of serenity and tranquility. There is no doubt that one who will be held accountable for his deeds cannot be left without direction and guidance, and without encouragement and intimidation, and this is the role of religion.

Moreover, the existence of the current heavenly religions whose followers believe in the divinity of its source is another direct proof of the Creator's communication with mankind. Even if atheists deny the fact of sending messengers and heavenly books by the Lord of the worlds, their existence and survival remain a sufficient and powerful testimony to one fact, which is man's extreme desire to communicate with God and satiate the natural thirst within himself.