What is the Nāsikh (abrogating) and the Mansūkh (abrogated)?

The abrogating and the abrogated represent a development in the legislation rulings like cancelling a previous ruling or replacing it with another, restricting the unrestricted, or unrestricting the restricted. It is something usual and familiar in the previous legislations since the time of Adam. For example, giving the sister in marriage to her brother was serving an interest during the time of Adam (peace be upon him). However, it became something evil in all other legislations. Working on Saturdays was likewise serving an interest in the legislation of Abraham (peace be upon him) and before him and in all other legislations; however, it became something evil in the legislation of Moses (peace be upon him). Allah Almighty ordered the Children of Israel to kill themselves after worshiping the calf; however, this ruling was abrogated after that. There are many other examples in this regard, as replacing a ruling with another is possible in the same legislation or between one legislation and another as we mentioned in the previous examples.

The doctor, for instance, who starts treating his patient with a certain medication, then by time, he increases or decreases the dosage to treat his patient gradually, is considered wise. Bearing in mind that Allah has the highest example, the existence of the abrogating and the abrogated in the Islamic rulings is an indication of the wisdom of the great Creator.