Belief in the Creator is built upon the fact that things do not appear without a cause, not to mention the fact that the huge material populated universe and the creatures in it possess an intangible awareness and comply with the immaterial mathematical rules, and to explain the existence of a material and limited universe, we need an independent source that is both immaterial and eternal.
Coincidence could never have brought the universe to existence because coincidence is not a main cause; rather, it is a secondary result that depends on the availability of other factors (the existence of time, place, matter, and energy) that could lead to the existence of something by coincidence. So, the word "coincidence" could not be used to explain anything because it is nothing at all.
For instance, if someone entered his room and found the glass of the window broken, he would then ask his family about the one who broke it. They would answer saying: It was broken by coincidence. The answer here is wrong because he did not ask about how the window was broken; rather, he asked about the one who broke the window. Thus, coincidence is a description of the act but not the doer of the act. The right answer in this case is to say that so-and-so broke it, then, they could clarify that the one who broke it did that by accident or deliberately. The same applies exactly to the universe and creatures.
So, if we ask who brought the universe and creatures into existence, and some answer by saying that they were brought into existence by coincidence, then, this is the wrong answer because we did not ask about how the universe was brought into existence; rather, we asked about who brought it into existence. Therefore, coincidence is not a doer and not a creator of the universe.
Then, comes the question: Did the Creator of the universe create it by coincidence or deliberately? The answer is, of course, derived from the act and its consequences.
Back to the example of the window, if we assume that someone entered his room and found the glass of the window broken and asked his family about the one who broke it and they answered: So-and-so broke it by coincidence, the answer here would be acceptable and logical because breaking the window is a random thing that can happen by coincidence. However, if that same person entered his room the next day and found the glass of the window fixed and as good as before and asked his family about the one who fixed it and they answered: So-and-so fixed it by coincidence, the answer here would not be acceptable; rather, it would be logically impossible because the act, which is fixing the glass, is not a random act. It is an organized act that is controlled by rules. First, the broken glass should be removed and the window frame should be cleaned. Then, new glass with accurate measurements that fit the frame should be cut. Then, the glass should be glued to the frame and the frame should be fixed in its place. All such acts cannot happen by accident; rather, they must take place intentionally. The logic rule states: The random act that lacks order may happen by accident, but the organized and coherent act and the act that results from order cannot happen by accident; rather, it happens intentionally.
By looking at the universe and the creatures, we realize that they have been created according to a perfect order. Moreover, they operate and submit to perfect and accurate laws. Consequently, it is logically impossible that the universe and creatures have been created by coincidence; rather, they have been created intentionally. Thus, coincidence is completely excluded from the issue of creating the universe. [10] Yaqīn Channel for refuting atheism and secularism:
Other proofs of the Creator's existence are:
1. The Proof of Creation and Origination
It means that the emergence of the universe from non-existence indicates the existence of the Creating God.
{Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth and the alternation of the night and day are signs for people of understanding.} [11] Surat Āl ‘Imrān: 190.
2. The Proof of Inevitability
If we assume that everything has a source and this source has a source, and this sequence continues perpetually, then, logically we will reach a beginning or an end. We must inevitably reach a source that has no source, which we call "the main cause" which is different from the main event. For instance, if we assume that the Big Bang is the main event, then, the Creator is the main cause that led to this event.
3. The Proof of Perfection and Order
It means that the precision in making the universe and its laws indicates the existence of the Creating God.
{Who created seven heavens one above another; you will not see any imperfection in the creation of the Most Compassionate. Look again; can you see any flaw?} [12] Surat al-Mulk: 3.
{Indeed, We have created everything according to a determined measure.} [13] Surat al-Qamar: 49.
4. The Proof of Providence
It means that the universe has been created to fit exactly man's emergence. This proof indicates the divine attributes of beauty and mercy.
{It is Allah Who has created the heavens and earth and sent down rain from the sky, producing therewith fruits as provision for you. He has made the ships for your service to sail through the sea by His command, and has made for you the rivers.} [14] Surat Ibrāhīm: 32.
5. The Proof of Subjugation and Planning
It is related to the divine attributes of majesty and power.
{And He has created the livestock for you as a source of warmth and other benefits, and from them you eat. There is beauty for you in them when you bring them home to rest and when you take them out to graze. And they carry your heavy loads to lands that you could not reach without great hardship. Indeed, your Lord is Most Gracious, Most Merciful. And [He created] the horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride and for adornment, and He creates other things that you do not know. } [15] Surat an-Nahl: 5-8.
6. The Proof of Allocation
It means that what we see in the universe could have taken many various forms; however, Allah Almighty has chosen the best form.
{Have you thought about the water that you drink? Is it you who bring it down from the clouds, or is it We Who bring it down? If We willed, We could make it salty; will you not then give thanks?} [16] Surat al-Wāqi‘ah: 68-70.
{Do you not see how your Lord extends the shade? If He had willed, He could have made it still. Then We made the sun an indication for it.} [17] Surat al-Furqān: 45.
The Qur’an mentions probabilities for explaining how the universe was created and brought to existence: [18] The Divine Reality: God, Islam & The Mirage of Atheism..Hamza Andreas Tzortzi
{Were they created by none, or were they the creators [of themselves]? Or did they create the heavens and earth? Rather, they are not certain in faith. Or do they possess the treasures of your Lord, or do they have full control [of everything]?} [19] Surat at-Tūr: 35-37.
Were they created by none:
This contradicts many of the natural laws that we see around us. A simple example like saying that the pyramids of Egypt were built by none is sufficient to rebut such a probability.
Or were they the creators:
Creating Oneself: Did the universe create itself? The term "creature" refers to something that did not exist and then came into existence. Self-creation is a logical and practical impossibility due to the fact that self-creation means that something existed and did not exist at the same time, which is impossible. Saying that man created himself means that he existed before existing.
Even when some of the incredulous talk and stress the probability of self-creation in unicellular organisms, it must primarily be assumed that the first cell already existed to start such a discussion. Even with that assumption in mind, this is not self-creation; rather, it is a reproduction method (non-sexual reproduction) where the offspring comes from one single living organism and inherits the genes of that parent only.
Many people, when asked about who brought them into existence, simply say: My parents are the cause of my existence in this life. Obviously, this answer is meant to cut things short and find a way out of this dilemma. Man, by nature, does not like to think profoundly and exert effort. He certainly knows that his parents will die and he will stay, then, his offspring will succeed him to give the same answer. He knows very well that he has nothing to do with creating his children. So, the true question here is: Who brought mankind to existence?
Or did they create the heavens and earth:
None has ever claimed creating the heavens and earth. Only the One in charge of everything has revealed this truth when He sent His messengers to mankind. The truth is that He is the Creator, Originator, and Owner of the heavens and earth and what is between them, and He has neither a partner nor a child.
{Say, “Call upon those whom you claim [to be gods] besides Allah. They do not have even an atom’s weight of authority in the heavens or on earth, nor do they have any share in either of them, nor is any of them a helper to Allah.”} [20] Surat Saba’: 22.
We can set an example here, when a bag is found in a public place and none claims it to be his except one person who gives a description of the bag and what is inside it to prove that it is his. In this case, he is entitled to have the bag until someone else claims it to be his, and this is according to the laws of mankind.
The Existence of a Creator
All this leads us to the inevitable answer, which is the existence of a creator. It is strange how man always tries to assume many probabilities far from this one, as if the probability of this one is something unreal and unlikely and could never be believed or verified. However, if we adopt a truthful and fair stance and a scientific and sagacious approach, we shall definitely reach the fact that the Creating God can never be encompassed, since He is the Creator of the whole universe, therefore, His essence must be beyond the limits of the human perception. It is logical to assume that it is not easy to verify the existence of this unseen power, which must reveal itself in a way it believes to be appropriate for the human perception. Man must reach the conviction that this unseen power is real and exists and there is no way out except through certainty in this last and remaining probability to explain the secret behind this existence.
{So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am a clear warner to you from Him.} [21] Surat adh-Dhāriyāt: 50.
It is a must to believe in the existence of this creating and originating God if we are seeking perpetual goodness, bliss, and eternity.