Why does Islam restrict the theories of the origin of existence in the inevitability of the existence of one valid truth?

The existence of diverse theories and convictions among mankind does not negate the fact that there is only one valid truth. For example, regardless of the number of concepts and notions that people may have about the transportation means someone uses who owns a black car, this does not negate the fact that he owns a black car. Even if the whole world believes that this person's car is red, such a belief does not make it red. There is only one truth here and that is: the car is black.

So, the diversity of concepts and notions about something does not negate the fact that this thing has one established truth.

Bearing in mind that Allah has the highest attributes, no matter how diverse people's concepts and notions are about the origin of existence, this does not negate the existence of one truth, and that is: the existence of the One and Only Creating God Who has no form known to mankind and Who has no partner and no child. Thus, if the whole world thinks that the Creator is embodied in the form of an animal or a human being, for instance, this does not make Him so, as He is far exalted above that.