How did the Qur’an rectify the concept of evolution?

The Noble Qur’an has rectified the concept of evolution through narrating the story of Adam's creation.

Man was not even something mentioned:

{Was there not a period of time when man was not a thing [even] mentioned?} [114] Surat al-Insān:1.

The creation of Adam started from clay:

{We created man from an extract of clay.} [115] Surat al-Mu’minūn: 12.

{Who perfected everything He created, and initiated the creation of man from clay.} [116] Surat as-Sajdah: 7.

{The similitude of Jesus before Allah is like that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” and he was.} [117] Surat Āl ‘Imrān: 59.

Honoring Adam, the father of mankind:

{[Allah] said, “O Iblīs, what prevented you from prostrating to whom I created with My two Hands? Did you just become proud or have you always been arrogant?”} [118] Surat Sād: 75.

Honoring Adam, the father of mankind, was not only by creating him independently from clay, it was also by creating him directly by the Hands of the Lord of the worlds, as mentioned in the noble verse, and by Allah's command to the angels to prostrate before Adam as an act of obedience to Him.

{And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam,” and they prostrated except Iblīs; he refused and was arrogant, and was one of the disbelievers.} [119] Surat al-Baqarah: 34.

The creation of Adam's progeny:

{Then He made his progeny from the extract of a worthless fluid.} [120] Surat as-Sajdah: 8.

{Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a safe place, then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We made the clinging clot into a lump, then We made the lump into bones, and We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We developed it into another creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.} [121] Surat al-Mu’minūn: 13-14.

{It is He Who created human beings from water, then made between them bonds of kinship and marriage, for your Lord is Most Capable.} [122] Surat al-Furqān: 54.

Honoring Adam's progeny:

{We have honored the children of Adam, carried them on land and sea, provided for them good things and favored them above many of those whom We have created.} [123] Surat al-Isrā’: 70.

We observe here the resemblance between the emergence phases of Adam's progeny (worthless fluid, sperm-drop, clot, lump...) and what was stated in the Evolution Theory concerning the emergence of the living beings and how they multiply.

{the Originator of the heavens and earth. He has given you spouses of your own kind, and pairs of livestock; by which He causes you to multiply. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.} [124] Surat ash-Shūra: 11.

Allah has made the start of Adam's progeny from worthless fluid to indicate the oneness of the creation source and the oneness of the Creator. He made Adam distinct from all other creatures by creating him independently to honor man and achieve the Creator's wisdom in making him a vicegerent on earth. Creating Adam from no father or mother is, as well, an indication of absolute omnipotence. Allah also set another example by creating Jesus (peace be upon him) from no father to be another miracle of absolute omnipotence and to be a sign for people.

{The similitude of Jesus before Allah is like that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” and he was.} [125] Surat Āl ‘Imrān: 59.

What many try to deny through the Evolution Theory is, in fact, an evidence against them.