Who created the Creator?

This question is the result of a misconception about the Creator and comparing Him to the creation. Such misconception is refuted by mind and logic, for instance:

Can man answer the simple question: What is the smell of the red color? There is no answer to such a question, of course, because the red color is not classified among things that could be smelled.

The company that manufactures a commodity like the television or the fridge, for instance, sets rules and criteria for using the device and writes such instructions in a manual that explains the usage method and attaches it to the device. The consumer must follow such instructions if he wants to benefit from the device; however, the manufacturing company does not yield to these rules.

We understand from the previous examples that every effect must have a cause, but God is simply not effected and is not classified among things that could be created. God is the First before everything; thus, He is the main (orginal) cause. Despite the fact that the cause-and-effect law is one of Allah's immutable universal rules, yet Allah Almighty does whatever He wills and He possesses absolute power.