Why does the Muslim not accept the idea that apes are the origin of man?

Islam absolutely rejects this idea. The Qur’an makes it clear that Allah has distinguished Adam from all other creatures by creating him independent as a sign of honoring mankind and to achieve Allah's wisdom in making him a vicegerent on earth.

Darwin's followers deem the one who believe in the Creator of the universe as a retarded person for believing in something that he has not seen, despite the fact that the believer believes in what elevates him and grants him a higher status, whereas they believe in what degrades them and brings them to a lower status. Regardless of that, why have the rest of apes remained without developing into human beings?

A theory is a group of hypotheses that come through witnessing or reflecting on a certain phenomenon. Proving such hypotheses requires conducting successful experiments or direct observation that substantiates them. Thus, if one of the hypotheses that belong to the theory cannot be proven through experiments or direct observation, then, the whole theory will be reconsidered.

If we cite an example of development that took place more than 60000 years ago, then the theory will be meaningless. If we cannot see or observe such a development, then we can, by no means, accept this argument. It has been recently observed that the beaks of some birds have changed in shape; however, they remained birds, whereas based on this theory, the birds must develop into another type of creatures. Chapter 7: Oller and Omdahl, "The Creation Hypothesis" by J.P. Moreland.

As a matter of fact, the idea that man is originally a monkey or has developed from a monkey has never been from Darwin's ideas. However, he said that both man and monkey share one common unknown origin, which he called "the missing loop", that underwent a special development and turned into a human being. Apart from the fact that Muslims totally refuse to accept Darwin's statement; however, he did not say, as some people think, that the monkey is man's grandfather. It was proven that Darwin himself, the founder of this theory, had many doubts and he wrote many letters to his colleagues expressing his doubts and regret. [109] The Autobiography of Charles Darwin, edition of London, Collins 1958, (p. 92-93).

Moreover, it was proven that Darwin believed in the existence of a god. [110] However, the idea that man developed from an animal was added later to his theory by his followers, who were atheists. Muslims are, undoubtedly, certain that Allah has honored Adam and made him a vicegerent on earth, and it does not befit the status of such a vicegerent to be originally an animal or the like.