As for the angels, they are great creatures of Allah. They were created from light and have a natural disposition to goodness. They obey the commands of Allah Almighty, exalt Him, and worship Him without ever getting bored or tired.
{They glorify Him day and night tirelessly.} [76] Surat al-Anbiyā’: 20.
{...who never disobey whatever Allah commands and do whatever they are commanded.} [77] Surat at-Tahrīm: 6.
Having faith in the angels is something common between the Muslims, Jews, and Christians. Jibrīl (Gabriel) is one of the angels whom Allah has taken as a mediator between Him and His messengers, so he used to descend with the revelation to them. There is also Mikā’īl (Michael) who is in charge of the rain and plants, Isrāfīl whose mission is to blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment, and others.
As for the jinn, they belong to the world of the unseen. They live with us on earth and are commanded to obey Allah and prohibited from disobeying Him, just like the human beings; however, we cannot see them. They were created from fire, whereas man was created from clay. Allah mentioned stories that clarify the strength and ability of the jinn, including their ability to make an influence through whispering or inspiration without physical interference. However, they do not know the unseen and cannot harm the believer who have strong faith.
{...But the devils whisper to their [human] friends to argue with you...} [78] Surat al-An‘ām: 121.
As for the devil, he is every arrogant and obstinate human or jinni.