As a matter of fact, religion is commitment and responsibility. It makes the conscience alert and urges the believer to hold himself accountable for all his deeds, the big and small. The believer is responsible for himself, his family, his neighbor, and even for the passerby. He utilizes the available means and relies upon Allah, and I do not think that such are the qualities of the opium addicts. [43] Opium is a kind of drug extracted from the poppy plant and that is used in making heroin.
The real opium of the people is atheism not faith, since atheism calls its followers to materialism and to marginalizing their relationship with their Creator by rejecting religion and abandoning responsibilities and duties, and by urging them to enjoy the instant moment despite the consequences. Hence, they do whatever they like in the absence of the worldly punishment, believing that there exists no divine watcher or reckoner, and no resurrection or reckoning. Is this not the real description of addicts?!