Many people, in our present time, believe that light exists outside the boundaries of time, yet they cannot accept the fact that the Creator does not submit to the rules of time and place, i.e., Allah Almighty is before everything and after everything and none of His creatures can encompass Him.
Many believe that when the connected particles are separated they keep communicating with each other at the same time, yet they cannot accept the idea that the Creator is present with His servants with His knowledge wherever they go. Man believes that he possesses a mind without seeing it, yet he refuses to believe in Allah without seeing Him.
Many refuse to believe in Paradise and Hellfire, yet they accept the existence of other worlds that they cannot see. The material science informs man that he should believe in things that do not exist in the first place like the mirage, and he actually believes in it; however, at the time of death, the physics and chemistry will be of no avail to mankind as they have promised them with nothing but non-existence.
Man cannot deny the author's existence for merely knowing the book, as they are not alternatives. Science has discovered the laws of the universe, yet it did not set such laws, it is the Creator Who has set them.
Some of the believers hold the highest degrees in physics and chemistry; however, they are aware that behind such universal laws there stands a great Creator. So, the material science, in which the materialists believe, has discovered the laws that were created by Allah but it has not created such laws. Scientists can find nothing to study without such laws that have been created by Allah. Meanwhile, faith benefits the believer in this worldly life and in the Hereafter because knowing and learning about the universal laws increase their belief in their Creator.
When catching severe flu or fever, one may not be able to get himself a cup of water, so, how could he dispense with his relationship with his Creator?
Science constantly changes, and having complete faith in science only is a problem in itself because emerging new discoveries annuls previous theories. Some of what we consider as science is still theoretical. Even if we assume that all the science that has been discovered is established and accurate, there still remains a problem, as in the present time, science attributes all the glory to the discoverer and neglects the Maker. For example, let us assume that someone enters a room and discovers an extremely beautiful painting that is perfectly drawn, then, he comes out to tell people about that discovery. Everyone comes to admire the man who discovered the painting and forgets to ask the most important question: "Who draw it?" This is what people do, as they admire so much the scientific discoveries of the laws of nature and space and forget about the creativity of the One Who created such laws.
The material science can help man make a rocket; however, it cannot help him in judging the beauty of an artistic painting for instance, or in estimating the value of things, or in acquainting us with good and evil. The material science informs us that the bullet kills, but it does not inform us that it is wrong to use it in killing others.
Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, said: "Science can never be the source of morals. There is no doubt that there are moral bases for science; however, we cannot say that there are scientific bases for morals. I failed and all the endeavors to subjugate morals to the laws and equations of science shall fail as well."
Immanuel Kant, the famous German philosopher, said: "The moral evidence on God's existence is established in accordance with the requirements of justice because the good man must be rewarded, and the evil must be punished. This will not happen unless there exists a superior source that holds man accountable for his deeds. The evidence is also established in accordance with the requirements of the possibility of combining between virtue and happiness, since they cannot be combined except in the presence of what is beyond nature, Who knows everything and is capable of everything. This superior source who exists beyond nature represents the God."