If the Creator is merciful to His slaves, then why does He not accept the tendencies of someone who is homosexual?

{And [We sent] Lot, when he said to his people, “Do you commit such a shameful act that nobody has ever done before you? For you approach men lustfully instead of women; you are but a transgressing people.” The only reply his people gave was to say, “Drive them out of your town, for they are people who keep themselves pure!”} [305] Surat al-A‘rāf: 80-82.

This verse confirms the fact that homosexuality is not genetic and has nothing to do with the human genetic code because the people of Lūt were the first to practice this type of immorality. This corresponds with the most extensive scientific study affirming that homosexuality has nothing to do with genes. [306] "Mawsū‘at al-Kahīl lil-I‘jāz fil-Qur’ān wa as-Sunnah" https://kaheel7.net/?p=15851

Should we accept the thief's tendency to stealing? It is a tendency as well but in both cases they are abnormal tendencies, and is transgression against the human natural disposition and against nature that must be redressed.

Allah created man and guided him to the right path and gave him a free will to choose either the path of goodness or the path of evildoing.

{And We have shown him the two ways [of right and wrong]?} [307] Surat al-Balad: 10.

Hence, communities that forbid homosexuality rarely suffer from such sexual perversion, whereas communities that allow and encourage such an attitude contain a high rate of homosexuals. This indicates the fact that the environment and the surrounding doctrines are what determine man's probable tendency to homosexuality.

Man's entity changes every moment based on the satellite channels he watches, his use of technology, or his fanaticism in favor of a football team for instance. In fact, globalization has turned him into a complicated human being. The traitor is deemed as someone with a viewpoint, the gay is deemed as someone with a normal attitude and has attained legal competency to participate in public discussions; rather, we are required to support him and reconcile with him. Dominance now belongs to whoever possesses technology. So, if the gay is the one who owns the means of power, he will impose his convictions on others, the thing that would lead man to ruin his relationship with his own self, his society, and his Creator. Since individualism is directly related to sexual perversion, therefore, the human natural disposition, to which humanity belongs, has vanished and the one-family concept has collapsed. This is why the West has started to offer solutions to get rid of individualism because proceeding with this concept will lead to losing the gains that were achieved by modern man just as the family concept was lost. Consequently, the West has been suffering until today from the decreasing number of the society members, the thing that has led them to open their doors in an endeavor to attract immigrants. So, believing in Allah and respecting the laws of the universe that He has created for us along with adhering to His commands and avoiding His prohibitions are the only way to attain happiness in this world and in the Hereafter.