If Allah loves His slaves according to Islam, why does He not permit them to adopt the individualism methodology? [304] Individualism considers the individual's interests a fundamental issue that must be achieved before the interests of the state and the communities, while they oppose any external interference in one's own interests by society or institutions such as the government.

There are many verses in the Qur’an that refer to Allah's mercy and His love for His slaves. However, the love of Allah Almighty for His slave is different from the slaves' love for one another. This is because according to human standards, love is a need that the lover finds with the loved one. Whereas, Allah Almighty does not need us; rather, His love for us is that of favor and mercy. It is love of the Strong for the weak, love of the Self-Sufficient for the needy, love of the Able for the helpless, and love of the Great for the insignificant, a love that is based on wisdom.

Do we allow our children to do whatever they like on the pretext of loving them? Do we allow our little children to throw themselves from the window or play with exposed electric wires on the pretext of loving them?

It is impossible to allow one to make decisions based on his personal interest and pleasure, or to make him the main focus of attention and to give precedence to his personal interests over that of the state and the influence of society and religion; giving him permission to change his sex and do whatever he wishes and act and dress the way he likes in public on the pretext that the street belongs to all.

If one lives with a group of people in the same shared house, could he accept the idea that any of his housemates does something loathsome, such as answering the call of nature in the living room, arguing that the house belongs to all of them? Could he accept to live in such a house without rules or standards regulating it? Absolute freedom turns man into an ugly creature, and it has been undoubtedly proven that he is incapable of handling such freedom.

Individualism can not be an alternative entity to the collective entity, regardless of the individual's power or authority. Members of the society are of various classes that complement one another and cannot dispense with one another. Some of them being soldiers, doctors, nurses, and judges. How could any of them give precedence to his personal interest over that of others to achieve his own happiness and be the main focus of attention?!

By giving full rein to one's instincts, one becomes a slave to such instincts; however, Allah wants him to be the master of his own instincts. Allah wants man to be rational and wise and to know how to control his instincts without suppressing them; rather, directing them to promote his soul and elevate his self.

When a father obliges his children to allocate some time for study, despite their desire to only play, to obtain an academic degree in the future, is he considered a cruel father on account of this?