Death caused by crowdedness during Hajj has only occurred in a limited number of years, and usually those who die because of the crowdedness are extremely rare. However, those who die because of consuming alcohol, for instance, amount to millions every year, and victims from among the crowds of football fields and the South American carnivals are even more. In all cases, death is an inevitable truth and meeting Allah is truth, and dying while performing an act of obedience is better than dying while committing a sin.
Malcolm X says:
"For the first time, after spending twenty-nine years on this earth, I stood before the Creator of everything and felt that I am a perfect human being. I have never witnessed in my life something more truthful than such establishment of brotherhood between people of all colors and races. America needs to understand Islam because it is the only religion that can solve the problem of racism." [303] A Muslim preacher and a human rights activist, an American from African origins (Afro-American). He rectified the Islamic movement course of action in America after it had strongly deviated from the Islamic creed and he called people to the sound creed.