Answer: 1. Putting the right hand on the place where the pain is felt and saying: "Bismillāh" (in the name of Allah) three times, followed by saying: "A‘ūdhu bi‘izatillāhi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhādhir" (I seek refuge in the might and power of Allah against what I find and fear) - seven times.
2. Being content and patient with what Allah has decreed
3. Hastening to visit the patient, supplicating for him, and not staying for too long with him
4. Making Ruqyah (healing method by the Qur’an and Sunnah) for the sick without him asking for it.
5. Advising him to be patient and to adhere to supplication, prayer, and ritual purity as much as he can.
6. Supplicating for the patient by saying: "As’alullāh al-‘azhīm rabb al-‘arsh al-‘azhīm ay yashfeek" (I ask Allah the Magnificent, the Lord of the magnificent Throne to cure you) - seven times.