1. Intending by eating and drinking to be strong enough to obey Allah Almighty
2. Washing hands before eating
3. Saying: "Bismillāh" (in the name of Allah), eating with the right hand and from what is near to one, not from the middle of the plate or from what is in front of others
4. In case of forgetting to say "Bismillāh" before eating, one should say: "Bismillāh awwaluhu wa ākhiruh" (in the name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end)
5. Being content with the food that is available and not criticizing it, i.e., one should eat it if he likes it, or leave it if he does not like it
6. Eating few mouthfuls and refraining from overeating
7. Not blowing in the food or drink and waiting until it cools down
8. Eating together with one's family or guests
9. Not starting to eat before the elders
10. Mentioning Allah's name before drinking, and drinking while sitting down and drinking in three sips
11. Praising Allah after eating