Answer: They are eleven, which are:
1. Reciting Du‘ā’ al-Istiftāh (the opening supplication), after making the opening Takbīr, by saying: "Subhānak Allāhumma wa bihamdik, wa tabārak ismuk, wa ta‘ālā jadduk, wa lā ilāha ghayruk" (Glory be to You, O Allah, and with Your praise, and blessed is Your Name, and exalted is Your majesty, and there is no god but You)
2. Making Ta‘awwudh (saying: A‘ūdhu billāh min ash-shaytān ar-rajīm) (I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil)
3. Saying: "Bismillāh ar-Rahmān ar-Rahīm" (In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful)
4. Saying: "Āmīn" (Amen)
5. Reciting a surah after Surat al-Fātihah
6. Reciting the Qur’an audibly by the Imam
7. Saying after Tahmīd (praising Allah): "Mil’as-samāwāti wa mil’al-ardi wa mil’a mā shi’ta min shay’in ba‘d" (filling the heavens, the earth, and whatever else You will)
8. The Tasbīhs (Glorifying Allah) after the first Tasbīh in Rukū‘, i.e., the second and third Tasbihs or more
9. The Tasbīhs (Glorifying Allah) after the first Tasbīh in Sujūd
10. Saying more than once: "Rabbighfir lī" between the two prostrations
11. Invoking the peace and blessings of Allah upon the Prophet and his family in the last Tashahhud and making supplication thereafter
Fourth: The physical Sunan (recommended acts) of the prayer, which are called "postures", are:
1. Raising both hands with the opening Takbīr
2. Raising both hands when performing Rukū‘
3. Raising both hands when rising from Rukū‘
4. Lowering the hands after that
5. Placing the right hand over the left one
6. Looking at one’s place of prostration
7. Leaving a gap between the feet while standing
8. Gripping the knees with both hands with the fingers spread out in Rukū‘, while straightening one’s back, and making one’s head in alignment with one's back
9. Resting the organs of prostration on the ground, while making sure that all of them touch the ground.
10. Keeping the arms away from the sides, the abdomen away from the thighs, and the thighs away from the legs; keeping the knees apart and keeping the feet erected with the toes separated and their bottom touching the ground; putting the hands in alignment with the shoulders while being spread out and with the fingers joined.
11. Engaging in Iftirāsh (to place the left foot on its side and sitting on it; and keeping the right foot erected while resting on the bottom of the toes facing them towards the Qiblah) while sitting between the two prostrations and during the first Tashahhud. However, performing Tawarruk (to sit with the left posterior on the ground; the right foot erected with the toes pointing towards the Qiblah; and the left foot on its side emerging from under the right foot) during the second Tashahhud.
12. Putting the hands spread out on the thighs with the fingers joined between the two prostrations and during the Tashahhud as well; however, in the latter, one may clench the little and ring fingers of the right hand, making a ring with the thumb and middle fingers, and pointing with the index finger when mentioning Allah.
13. Turning the face to the right and then to the left when making Taslīm