Q22: What are the obligatory acts of the prayer?

Answer: The obligatory acts of the prayer are eight; they are:

1. Making Takbīrs (saying: Allāhu Akbar), other than the opening Takbīr

2. Saying: "Sami‘allāhu liman hamidah" (Allah hears whoever praises Him) by the Imam and the one praying alone

3. Saying: "Rabbanā wa laka al-hamd" (O our Lord, all praise belongs to You)

4. Saying: "Subhāna rabbiya Al-‘Azhīm" (Glory be to my Lord, the Magnificent) once in Rukū‘ (bowing)

5. Saying: "Subhāna rabbiya Al-A‘lā" (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High) once in Sujūd (prostration)

6. Saying: "Rabbighfir lī" (O Lord, forgive me) between the two prostrations

7. Saying the first Tashahhud

8. Sitting for the first Tashahhud