Q33: Explain these names?

Answer: Allah: It means the only God worthy of worship with no partners.

Ar-Rabb: It means the only Creator, Owner, Provider, and Disposer of Affairs.

As-Samī‘: It means the One Whose Hearing encompasses everything, and Who hears all voices despite their differences and variations.

Al-Basīr: It means the One Who sees everything, no matter how small or big it is.

Al-‘Alīm: It means the One Whose knowledge encompasses everything in the past, present, and the future.

Ar-Rahmān: It means the One Whose mercy encompasses all creatures and all living beings, i.e., all the servants and creatures are under His mercy.

Ar-Razzāq: It means the One Who provides for all the creatures including the humans, the jinn, and all other living beings.

Al-Hayy: It means the One Who does not die while all creatures die.

Al-‘Azhīm: It means the One Who possesses all perfection and all magnificence in His names, attributes, and deeds.