Q10: What are the types of Tawhīd?

Answer: 1. Tawhīd ar-Rubūbiyyah (Oneness of Lordship): It means to believe that Allah alone is the Creator, the Provider, the Owner, and the Disposer of Affairs.

2. Tawhīd al-Ulūhiyyah (Oneness of Worship): It means to single Allah out with worship, i.e., to worship none but Allah Almighty.

3. Tawhīd al-Asmā’ wa as-Sifāt (Oneness of the Names and the Attributes): It means to believe in Allah’s names and attributes that are mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah without Tamthīl (drawing resemblance between Allah and His creatures), Tashbīh (likening), or Ta‘tīl (negating).

Evidence on the three types of Tawhīd lies in the verse where Allah Almighty says: {Lord of the heavens and earth and all that is between them. So worship Him and be constant in worshiping Him. Do you know anyone equal to Him?} [Surat Maryam: 65]